Monday, April 15, 2013

[All] My Edges.

You guys. I have so much to tell you, so much to share. I'm about to get super cozy in my pajamas and write my little heart out about where I've been these last couple of weeks (my heart is full).
I deeply believe there is room for all of us. I deeply believe in tapping into the thing that is calling us - that thing that makes us afraid, a little bit uncomfortable. Every whisper answered leads to a new edge with new fears and new horizons. I deeply, more than ever, believe in sharing my story of what's worked, what hasn't worked, and all the in betweens. Because sharing our stories about life, about dating, about spirituality, about courage, about relationships, about vulnerabilities - all of it - inspires me to reach toward all my edges where being afraid usually means it's a horizon worth reaching for. 

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