Monday, November 20, 2006

A Dance of Passion.

It is said that our eyes are the windows to our soul, then our lips should be the servants of our consciousness. Our lips respond to many different things, but most of all from happy thoughts by smiling, they express our innermost emotions with words of love and hope, and they are able to convey what no words can, by kissing. Lovers often forget how fantastic it feels to kiss and be kissed. Lovers should not limit kissing merely to just a prelude to sex. Kissing your lover should be a frequent occurrence, and should be an expression of your intimacy and desire to connect. Show her that you care and desire her for everything else but sex and that should go hand in hand. Women love to be kissed with sweet passion and emotion and not just a peck on the cheek or lips with a "Hi how are you" welcome. Embrace her and make her yours through your kisses. Many men think to themselves, "let's hurry up so we can get down to the good stuff". As a result, they rush through the kissing and do not get to fully enjoy the delightfulness of a long, passionate, kiss. The secret to being a great kisser is to be intuitive, keep it simple, passionate and intimate. Forget about impressing her with that kiss. Feel her and respond. Rid your mind of any thoughts of competitiveness and instead, realize that she's opening the door to her soul and body. Enjoy the moment. It is a dance of passion.

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