Sunday, February 18, 2007

Random Thoughts.

Really wanting to play right now and create something. I have that craving to create, but it's late and I am tired. It's weird how much I want to just get messy and design new stuff. I have so much fun when I am playing. I love how I get to express myself in my own way. It doesn't matter if other people like it...I am just sharing a piece of me. It's a time when I get to be the real me. I am so thankful I have this outlet.

It's been kind of an emotional day...good and not so good. Lots of laughter and then some tears. Days like this throw me for a loop...but they are ok to have. Changes happen and life doesn't stay the same. That's good...because then I wouldn't appreciate what I have now and what I had in the past. All of those moments and memories from the past have made me who I am today. For that I am thankful. I know how to be alone and be fine with it. Then on the flip side I know how much more it means to me when I am surrounded with friends and family. I don't know if any of this makes sense, but to me it does and it feels good to write it out.

When major things happen, I start thinking and over-thinking life and what is happening. I know things happen for a reason. My heart just hurts and it makes me sad. Why can't the people we love stay with us? I wish there was a magic wand I could wave to make everyone's hearts happy again. I also don't like to see my friends making poor choices and not taking care of themselves. I love my friends and only want the best for them. I need them in my life. Even though I don't tell them enough, I appreciate them so much!

So...DO SOMETHING EVERYDAY THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY! It can only make us be more thankful for what we have and who we are right now. How cool is that?

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