Wednesday, January 03, 2007

{B} True 2 {U}

My greatest hope is that what I put down on these pages may inspire and help. I'm offering an honest look inside at who I am: how I've lived my life, the struggles I've faced, the decisions I've made , and how I've made them. This journey, if you will, hasn't always been easy and it sure hasn't always been fun, and I've had my share of let downs along the way.
I believe I'm smarter that I was 14 years ago and I know that I am a whole lot smarter than I was last week. I'm smart enough now to value the experiences I've had and I know that the ones that count are all a result of the choices that I've made. I know that I have control over a lot of what happens in my life. The freedom to choose the way I live my life is one of the greatest gifts I think. I don't want to go through life living on 'auto pilot.' I'm not going to passively accept whatever happens because of someone else thinks they can make that choice for me. Because if I do that, then I think that I am giving up the chance everyday to create the life I want. We all make choices. We have to. It is a part of life.
I know that in order for me to be happy with my life, I need to know two things: who I am and who I am meant to be. These two things are different. Who I am is the reality of my life and who I am meant to be is what purpose I have for being in this world. God's creation and plan for me.
We all have the right to be happy. I am so happy with my life right now! 'Bout time! Damn time. We all have the right to have a good attitude. You don't have to bring anything into your life that is 'not working for you.' Be true to yourself.

So what's your purpose? Pursue it with passion!

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