Sunday, April 29, 2007

98.6 Degrees.

Life is for living: taking my life-temperature.
Took a little break from posting the last few days - a little break from the computer in general. Kind of a make-sure-I-am-really-"living"-my-life reality check...and a chance to get some things done around here that have been on my list for way too long.

Taking my personal life-temperature is always a good measure of my overall happiness. And as usual, my realization is that it is all about balance.

What I realized as I reflect back over the last few months is that I need to get myself into a more consistent work/life schedule. Things are changing around here. I have a real opportunity to find a nice life/work balance (did you notice that I changed that from earlier in the paragraph - hello, it MUST read life first and work second).

In so many ways I am incredibly lucky that I love my work (and that I continue to love it). It is because I love it so much that I really need to be taking my life-temperature regularly. How am I doing? How is the product of my work? Do I feel healthy in body, mind, and spirit? What do I need to add & what do I need to subtract?

Spring feels like a good time for a taking my life-temperature. This week as I work on assignments I am going to set up an actual time-schedule for myself. It has been a long time since I created an hourly schedule and I am thinking about testing that out this week. Initially it feels way too rigid, but starting out that way may prove beneficial as I get into the swing of things.

It's nice to have a bit of breathing room to be able to take a look at my lists and prioritize my life and work projects. Before this point I was just way too busy (not a great excuse, but a realistic one). I have grown weary of that continual feeling that I am constantly putting out fires...reacting rather than being proactive.

My goal for myself right now is to make sure that I am doing something every day where I feel truly alive. That deep-breath I am here in this moment feeling that energizes me for the next challenges. Part of what I plan to include in my schedule is some time for exercise, for getting outside. For me, being outside is a great way to literally feel alive.

Want to join me in taking your life-temperature this week? Do you feel balanced? Do you feel alive? What small changes can you make to feel more alive and present? I'd love to read ways both big and small you have addressed these issues in your own life.

Note: It is totally possible that you are in the place I was over the last few months - in the middle of crazy life/work stress without a moment to breathe or think about something outside of the next fire needing to be put out. My suggestion (and one of the things that helped me through) was to simply make lists. Make lists of where you want to be and what you want to do (have it be an ongoing list - one that can be added to as things come to you). Let it percolate while you are dealing with what you need to and when you have a bit of time to breathe, take your life-temperature in a more in-depth manner.

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