Saturday, December 29, 2012

Goodbye 2012, Hello 2013.

It's nearly the very, very end of 2012. Wow. That is worth a whisper of grace if you ask me... what an accomplishment - to make it around the sun one more time. As we prepare to say goodnight to 2012 - around these parts I am busy cleaning up, rearranging, and preparing to welcome 2013 in with open arms. And a long list of wishes, goals, hopes and dreams.

Dear 2012,
You were good to me - as good as a year can be and I thank you for that. You were littered with gems + fireworks except for when you were soft with tears. And I couldn't fault you for mixing it up like that because there is no joy without some sadness...I get that. I get that in a humbled way that makes my heart want to crack sometimes. I can't thank you enough for blessing me with Logan + Liam - they're happy, healthy and perfect.  
How the hell did a whole year go by and I’m still SINGLE?  Ah, such is life and I will continue trudging on until I find him.  But, seriously… where is he?  Now for some small facts that around over the halfway mark of this year - amidst the goodness - I began dating online.  I learned a ton about people - more than I have wanted to know at times. Since late August, I dated … drum roll please… The Farmer Guy, The Tech Guy, The Other Tech Guy, and The Professor.  But, I digress.  When I first jumped on the online dating train, I was nervous.  Nervous to have my photo and info out there and nervous that I would meet someone, they would be a crazy killer and I would be drugged and chopped up into a bunch of pieces. But again, I digress.  What I’ve learned the hard way, every date just gets you closer to the “one” right? And sometimes you need to put yourself out there and see what happens.
And I guess if we're being totally honest, as much as it hurts - thank you for giving me the opportunity to let them all go with the dignity that they all deserve.

You're alright 2012.
I'm alright, too.
Thanks 2012. You were memorable.

Love you, Mean It!

To you and yours - make 2013 what you need.

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