Friday, October 12, 2012

This Time [THAT] Year.

What seem hard right now - by this time NEXT year, might just be a fuzzy memory.
Truths…Gasp. Gulp. Sigh.
There are days, more than few, that I simply cannot grasp the concept. The reality of it. The finality of it. The depth of the scar it has left. The impression it has stamped on the rest of my days.I hope I can help one person by telling my life story because this is how I bring purpose to hardships I have lived.  Everyone has a different story and a different journey. 
People find me easy to talk to and often share with me their most intimate thoughts. Life in a wheelchair raises many deep emotional thoughts and feelings regular people never have the benefit of hearing or have to contemplate.  Love is better than anger and I am SO inspired.  I believe there is more good than bad, lessons in tragedy, and a beautiful ever after waiting for us after our time here is done.
Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don’t think that you’ve lost time. There is no short-cutting to life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time.Asha Tyson
When faced with adversity in your life, you can choose fear or faith.  I choose faith.  And while it may sound odd at face value I feel very fortunate in having the insight of a tumultuous experience. Which lo and behold ended up making me become so much more.  I believe we flourish when we do what we're best at.  For me, that’s showing courageous love and strength.  And when I forget about stuff like that I start to leak courage. I forget that I've got it in me.
The quote above - it just hits me in the right place. Life is about adapting + reinvention.  Right?  The heart wants what the heart wants and just to let life unfold. Truths.
 Honest to goodness truths.
What I learned from looking back -20 years ago-- is that there are always things you would change or fix. Sure, there are. The
 in-the-moment feelings are always more intense... but looking back it's the goodness that stands out. The hardness seems less hard.
This time THAT year...

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